燃气利用Gas Utilization
天然气及井口件生气Natural gas and Wellhead associated gas
煤层气、沼气、垃圾填埋气Coalbad methane,biogas,landfill gas
焦炉煤气、高炉煤气、炼化尾气 Coke oven gas,blast futnace gas,refineryoff-gas
燃气基本要求Gasbasic requirements
无液态水、油No liquid water and oil
硫化氢含量≤100mg/m3 Hydrogen sulfidecontent of≤100mg/m3
燃气压力不低于5kPa Gas pressure of not less than 5kPa
电站系统方案 Power Systemprogram
Gas power plant systems including gas-fired units and ancillary facilities,in addition to the basic unit facilities include:
Separation of gas supply and harmful impruities(such as dehydration,desulfurization,catching coke)system
外循环冷却系统(开式冷却机组)Outer loopcooling system(poen cooling unit)
电站场地、机房、机组基础 Power station sites,computer room,crew base
余热回收系统(根据电站功能选用)Waster heatrecovery system(based onpower plant featuresoptional)
高、低压控制室;输变电线路 High and low voltagecontrol room;transmission line
运行用易耗品仓库、值班人员基本生活设施 Run with consumables ware house,duty officebasic amenities